10 things to do if you have 10 minutes to spare



10 minutes

1) Clean out a closet or drawer – In 10 minutes you may not be able to have your entire closet cleaned out and reorganized but it’s plenty of time to have a quick look and chances are, unless you’ve cleaned it out recently, you will find things you haven’t used or worn in a while that you can donate, throw out or sell and lighten your load a bit(and maybe make a few bucks in the process.

2) Write a review on a book you recently read. – People love to read but sometimes half the battle is deciding what to pick up. Personally I love going on to a website like Goodreads and get recommendations from people who have similar taste in books. Get online and write a quick review of the last book you read and while you’re at it, get recommendations from others.

3) Do some calisthenics. These are bodyweight exercises that can easily be done in just a few minutes and often without any equipment. Do some push-ups, lunges, squats, etc.. whenever you have a few minutes to spare. Even 10 minutes per day of mild cardiovascular exercise is enough to have health benefits. Doing this a few times a day is even better.

4) Self-Improvement – Read a chapter from a self-improvement book or an article from a self-improvement website. There are SI books on just about any topic and chances are, there is something that you can work on. And if you don’t have any part of your life that needs work then find a book on lying to yourself, because that’s what you’re doing.

5) Write a letter – Most people don’t send handwritten letters anymore but everyone loves receiving them. Writing a letter to an old friend(or a new one), a relative, your child or partner, or  a thank you letter to a business or helpful neighbor is sure to bright someone’s day and writing it will probably cheer you up as well.

6) Go outside – Get some fresh air. Take a walk, sit in the grass, pick some wildflowers. According to the article found here: http://www.livestrong.com/article/436651-the-effects-of-sunlight-fresh-air-on-the-body/ Inhaling fresh air is good for your lungs and exposure to sunlight increases vitamin D levels which reduces your risk of developing osteoporosis and some other diseases.

7) Make some extra cash. – Websites like http://www.mturk.com and http://www.microworkers.com have small tasks you can complete for cash, many of them only take 5-10 minutes(sometimes less). You certainly won’t get rich or even replace your income but a little extra spending money doesn’t hurt.

8) Laugh – watch funny videos, listen to a stand up routine, talk to a friend with a sense of humor. Researchers have discovered that laughing lowers stress hormones which, in turn, decreases anxiety, increases immunity. It also releases endorphins which can help relieve pain. Learn more here: https://www.ge-healthahead.com/article/small-changes-laugh-extra-10-15-minutes-day?language=en&country=US

9) Learn something new – Peruse the nonfiction section of the library or look online(reliable sources of course.) This day and age we have the world at our fingertips and, while watching cat videos and playing candy crush saga has it’s place, there is a lot of useful information out there just waiting to be discovered.

10) Clean out your voicemail or email inbox – These are 2 relatively simple tasks that many of us just don’t get around to doing until they get out of hand. It may not be fun, but trust me, you’ll feel better when it’s done. 

What would you do with 10 minutes to spare? Let me know in the comments below.

23 thoughts on “10 things to do if you have 10 minutes to spare

  1. This is such a good idea. Taking those quickly vanishing 10 minutes of peace and quiet and making them productive is smart! I’d probably benefit the most from #3 or #6. Although til the weather is better (like over negative temps) I’ll stick with #3!


  2. sosimplystephanie2014 says:

    Great ideas. Just a few of these a day would help keep everything tidy. The only problem is I can’t ever seem to find an extra 10 mins.


    • I just found microworkers this week but their website says they pay via paypal, skrill, or dwolla. They may be adding more in the future. I have been using mturk off and on for a few years. You can have them transfer earnings to either your bank account(U.S. only) or an amazon gift card(US or international). No paypal for that one


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