My favorite things on Pinterest this week – 2/25/15

1) Wine Cabinet from an old dresser


I love(the idea of) DIY projects that repurpose old items into new. One reason that I love the idea of the projects is that I’m too lazy to get around to doing them. But a better excuse is that I’m not in my permanent home. If you’ve read my welcome post(you can find it on the “about” page) then you know that the hubs and I are looking for land and plan on selling our house eventually(hopefully sooner rather than later.) So many of these ideas I’m saving for when we are in a more permanent location. Bu anyway, I LOVED this idea. Unfortunately the link takes you to a photo with a short description and there isn’t a tutorial but from looking at it, it’s probably not too hard to figure out. This combines my love of vintage items, repurposing, and wine. Perfect!
Find the pin here:

2) Cinnamon bun cake


Holy Moly this looks yummy! You can’t spend a second on Pinterest without finding a recipe that you KNOW you shouldn’t make(for health reasons) but at the same time you HAVE to make(for obvious reasons.) I’m fairly certain that I will be making this sometime this week. I have a feeling there won’t be many complaints from the kiddos(or the hubs)
Find the pin here:

3) The Cat in the Hat magic dough


I’m always on the lookout for little things to keep the kids occupied. This may not look like much but I’ve seen these kids keep busy for quite some time with something as simple as play-doh or moon/kinetic sand. This is actually made the same way as homemade moon sand…but with glitter added. Don’t let the word “sand” scare you. This is actually pretty easy to clean up. I mat try it out this week(although I’m considering skipping the glitter for obvious reasons…that stuff sticks to EVERYTHING)
Here’s the pin:

4) Caterpillar on leaf rubbing


How cute is this!? It’s not the best time of year for this little project of course, since leaves are long gone but I’m banking this one for later.
If you have(or take care of) little ones. Pin this for later:

5) Model my diet simulator


I thought this was kind of cool. It doesn’t do anything super complicated but I think it could be a fun way to keep track of weight loss. Just plug your details into the simulator and then add in your goal weight and it gives you an avatar of what your body probably looks like now and what it will look like when you reach your goal. If you create an(free) account then it gives you a tracker and you can go back and look at your progress. It has simulators designed for different body shapes and options for men as well.
Find the pin here:

What goodies have you found on Pinterest(or elsewhere) this week? Feel free to link to them in the comments.

My favorite things found on Pinterest this week. 2/17/15

I didn’t spend as much time on Pinterest this week as usual but I still found some awesome pins.



You can’t spend 30 seconds on Pinterest without finding some awesome recipes right off the bat. This weeks recipe isn’t anything fancy or super special…it just simply looks good. My 5 year old recently discovered that she loves shrimp….like REALLY loves it. She was browsing recipes with me and picked this one out herself. She has been cooking with us as much as possible lately and she wants this to be her next dish. And I’ve got to admit, as simple as it is, it does really look tasty so I can’t wait to try it. I think she did pretty good. It’s posted on Their website has lots of yummy looking recipes. Be sure to check it out. You can find the pin here:



I LOVE the idea of repurposing old household items into something new so when I saw this pin I knew I had to save it. Such a great idea! It’s posted on From her website you have to set the category at “lighting” and do a bit of scrolling to find it but you’ll be sure to see some other neat things along the way. Or you can take the shortcut and click straight to the post by going through the pin, found here:



Yesterday I found what is for sure one of my new favorite websites/blogs “Little Dove Creations.” Technically I didn’t find this on Pinterest but I came across the link and had to save it as a pin. I love taking baths. Long, hot baths. Especially when it’s cold outside and BOY is it cold right now. I’m definitely due for one. I don’t get them often(don’t worry, I take plenty of showers) so when I do I like to soak for a while. And this is the perfect time of year for it. Bath soaks with oatmeal are perfect for winter too because the oats are great for dry skin. This one is definitely worth a look and PLEASE check out the rest of her website because she has lots of other great DIY recipes and projects. I’m seriously considering making her blog my browser’s homepage…true story. You can find the pin here:



This comes from a pin I actually found several months ago and I was just thinking about it again so I went searching for it. The original post that I had pinned at the time was no longer there but a quick bing search and I found another one using the exact same method. At the time my hair was longer so I gave it a try and it actually worked!

I have a hard time curling my hair because it’s pretty thick and takes FOREVER and a curl doesn’t really hold but this stayed in most of the day(with spray gel of course). I’ve cut my hair a bit shorter since then but if/when my hair gets longer I’ll try it again. Find the pin here:

I hope you all find something you can use. Feel free to re-pin and let me know in the comments which is your favorite. Come back next week for more!

My favorite things found on pinterest this week – Valentine’s edition

Jarrod and I don’t get excited about Valentine’s Day. We never have really. We’ve never been the type to go out for a romantic date, buy each other gifts, exchange cards, etc… Every once in a while we’ll make a meal together, but we do that anyway often enough. I do still like to acknowledge it in some way. Especially with the kiddos and sometimes with a fun themed drink or recipe. So here are my favorite things on pinterest this week with a bit of a Valentine’s Day twist:



I like the looks of this one. I haven’t tried it yet. I’ll have to go get the ingredients this week. All you need is some Moscato wine, strawberry soda and vanilla ice cream. As far as wine goes, I don’t typically go for the sweet stuff but this is a fun way to drink Moscato. And anything with ice cream in it MUST be good, right? check out the full recipe here:



This pin led me to a list of cool heart related science experiments. My 5 year old loves doing things like this, (and who am I kidding?) the hubs and I do too. I can’t wait to try some of these with my daughter and my daycare littles. From looking through these, it seems that there are things that are appropriate for about any age group. You can find the list here:



These cookies look pretty easy to make. They only use 6 ingredients(including a boxed cake mix) so I think they’re worth a try. In my experience, boxed cake mix cookies aren’t my favorite but I think the kiddos will love this one. My little one loves anything pink and so do most, if not all, of my daycare kiddos so the color alone will probably make these a hit. And who doesn’t love chocolate chips. Find the recipe for these here:



I’ve been wanting to try something like this so I was so excited to come across this pin. As you may know, I have been studying herbalism for the past year and just finished up an apprenticeship. The great thing about this, for me, is that I still have many of the ingredients on hand for some of these recipes. What I don’t have I’ll be ordering from Mountain Rose Herbs in the near future. You can find their link on the right side of this page(affiliate link). They won’t come in time for Valentine’s Day but you don’t need a holiday to have a little romance. And aphrodisiacs don’t actually have to be strictly used for romance. They can be used anytime to just lift your spirits and they make great gifts. I have a friend from my apprentice group who made an aphrodisiac cordial over Christmas time for her coworkers and it was quite a hit. Here they are:

Want to see more? Follow me on Pinterest at and be sure to check back here next week for more favorites!

My favorite things found on Pinterest this week




How cool is this? It’s a great sensory activity to demonstrate what makes up our blood using red water beads, red craft foam, and ping-pong balls. We haven’t done this yet but I can’t wait to try this out with Sylvia and the daycare kiddos. Check it out here:



Oh. my. yum. I saw this on my Pinterest feed and I KNEW I had to make it. This is another one I haven’t tried yet but it WILL be done. It looks super easy with just a few steps. I think the biggest challenge is going to be not scarfing it all down myself. Get the recipe here:



This is one I’ve actually made. The same day I saw this pin, I ran out to the grocery store to get the ingredients. I pretty much followed the recipe as shown at the link with the exception of bacon. I have no problem whatsoever with bacon, I just felt like leaving it out that night. Ok fine, I forgot to take it out of the freezer and was too lazy to thaw it out.(see, I told you I was lazy). But it all worked out because it was REALLY good, even without the bacon. See the recipe here:



I love this idea. It could be a bit difficult, especially if money is super tight, but it may be worth a try. I’m not sure who created the “meme” but the pin led to this link here:

Wanna see more? Follow me on Pinterest at and be sure to check back here next week for more favorites!